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The complete Guide on Schizophrenia in 2020

Writer's picture: Shagun SharmaShagun Sharma

Schizophrenia is a chronic, psychiatric disorder that affects a person's thoughts, feelings and behaviours and it is the top 15 leading causes of disability worldwide.

A person who suffers from this mental disorder may experience times in which they seem to have lost touch with the real world. They may see the world differently than compare to other people around them.

It results in a combination of disbelief, exceptionally disordered thinking and behaviour that damage daily functioning and can be incapacitating.

So, it's important to treat it as soon as possible. Though it requires lifelong treatment but early treatment always helps to keep the symptoms under control and also helps to enhance the long term outlook.

Now, let's see it causes in detail.

What are some of the causes of Schizophrenia?

Scientists don't know what exactly are the causes of Schizophrenia but, a combination of problems may play a vital role. By clearly understanding the possible causes and it's risk factors the person can prevent this lifelong disorder.

Some of the causes are:

1. Genetics

It is one of the most notable risk factors for Schizophrenia. This mental disorder tends to run in families. If suppose your parent, siblings or any close relatives suffers from this condition then you are at a higher risk to acquire it.

But, many scientists say that a single gene is not responsible instead the combination of genes makes someone more vulnerable.

So, the genetic factor plays a significant role.

2. Pregnancy or birth complications

Complications during or before birth may increase the chances of acquiring this mental disorder. Some of these complications include:

1. Low birth weight

2. Premature labour

3. Any kind of infection during pregnancy etc.

Women with Schizophrenia are at a greater risk of complications during pregnancy.

3. Drug Abuse

Though, using cocaine, LSD, cannabis or any similar kind of drugs don't cause Schizophrenia. But, for sure they trigger the symptoms of Schizophrenia in persons who are at a higher risk of developing Schizophrenia.

4. Some chemical changes in the brain

As we know, neurotransmitters(Chemicals present in the brain) are responsible for sending the signals between the brain cells. But, if these chemicals get imbalanced then the person is at a higher risk to develop Schizophrenia.

Even some of the researches show that Dopamine also plays a major role in the development of Schizophrenia, but still, it is not clear and the research is still going on.

5. Structural changes in your brain

If a person has been diagnosed with Schizophrenia then the person experiences certain physical differences in their brain.

But, those changes aren't seen in everyone with this mental disorder. They can even occur in people who haven't been diagnosed with Schizophrenia.

Some of the studies show that physical changes in the brain may play a role in this mental disorder.

So, these were certain causes of Schizophrenia

What is it's symptoms?

How do you get to know that you are suffering from some health problems?

Of course, by noticing the symptoms. Isn't it? So, let's see what are some of the symptoms one experience in this mental disorder.

Schizophrenia involves a different range of problems with thinking, emotions and behaviour. Though signs and symptoms may vary though mostly it involves delusions, hallucinations and disorganised speech.

1. Delusions

They are false beliefs and it is not based on reality. For example - When you think that certain comments are directed at you, but in actual it doesn't.

So, it occurs in most people with Schizophrenia.

2. Hallucinations

It involves seeing or hearing the things that in actual doesn't exist. It can occur in any of the sense but mostly hearing voices is the most common one.

3. Disorganised thinking

Disorganised thinking is deduced from Disorganised speech. Effective communication gets impaired and answers to certain questions are completely unrelated.

Symptoms actually vary in teens, women and men. In men, such symptoms typically begin in the early to mid-'20s. In women, symptoms begin in the late '20s and it is uncommon for children to be diagnosed with the Schizophrenia and symptoms in teens are different.

In teenagers, the symptoms may look similar to those in adults but the condition is very different to recognise. But, some of the symptoms include:

1. Difficulty in sleeping

2. Lack of motivation

3. Withdrawal from family and friends

4. Suicidal thoughts etc.

So, you can clearly say that the symptoms vary from age to age.

How to diagnose Schizophrenia?

Diagnosing of Schizophrenia includes ruling out the other mental disorders and determining that symptoms are not because of medications or substance abuse.

Some of the diagnostic tests involve:

1. Physical Exam

This is done to help rule out the other kind of problems that causes the signs and symptoms and also to check for any related complications.

2. MRI and CT scans

The doctors may also carry an MRI or CT scan that helps to rule out the conditions with similar signs and symptoms.

3. Psychiatric Evaluation

The doctor checks the mental status of a person by carefully observing the appearance of the person and even by asking about the thoughts, moods and substance abuse.

This may also involve the discussion of personal history and family.

4. DSM-5 or Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of mental disorders

Even some doctors may use DSM-5 criteria to diagnose Schizophrenia.

So, these were some of the diagnostic tests that are carried out by doctors.

How to Treat Schizophrenia?

A person suffering from Schizophrenia needs lifelong treatment. There's no permanent cure for Schizophrenia. Though, treatment focuses on easing and removing the symptoms which help to manage the condition.

Management decrease the probability of relapse and even it makes the symptoms easier to handle. Some of the treatments given by doctors are:

1. Anti Psychotic medications

These kinds of medications help to reduce the symptoms by affecting the level of chemicals that are thought to be involved with the disorder.

2. Psychological therapy

A person can learn coping skills that help to manage some of the challenges that are caused because of this mental disorder.

These skills help to maintain the quality of life. So, one should learn this skill.

3. Co-ordinated speciality care

In this, both the treatments- Psychological therapy and Anti Psychotic medications get combined. It aims to decrease the symptoms and it even improves the quality of life.

So, these were the three treatments given to the person suffering from Schizophrenia. But, mostly the combination of treatments are preferred to treat this mental disorder.

How to prevent Schizophrenia?

As you know, the cause of Schizophrenia is unknown so researchers don't know the sure ways to prevent it.

But, if a person is diagnosed with the disorder then following the treatment plan helps to reduce the relapse or even prevent the symptoms from worsening so, it's important to take the treatment as soon as you get diagnosed with this disorder.

Earlier treatment means better quality of life. Remember that.


Schizophrenia is a lifelong condition that can have a significant impact on a person's ability to function in life. Not only this, but these effects can also affect the people around them.

Many treatments are available that can only help a person to manage their symptoms but these treatments do not cure it fully. People with Schizophrenia will also benefit from the support of friends, family and the community.

So, do support and help them and encourage the person to stick to their treatment plan to live the quality of life.

Thanks for reading it till the end. Hope you find this post useful.

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